
Application Process

ENROLL NOW FOR 2025-2026!

We’re excited you’ve chosen Monroe Charter Academy for your child! Here, we focus on individualized instruction and preparing students to succeed academically and thrive in life.

Now Accepting Applications!
We are accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year for grades K-8, starting November 1st.

Please complete the enrollment application form for your child(ren). Be sure to read the instructions carefully, as there are three required sections. After submitting your application, you will receive a confirmation email.

How to Apply:

Complete Application:

Click here to complete the application.


Read at the bottom right of this page for more information on the enrollment process and policies.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at monroecharteracademy@gmail.com.

We can’t wait to welcome you and your child to Monroe Charter Academy!


Warm regards,
Monroe Charter Academy Team


More Information

The Open Application Period is designed to give all interested parents equal opportunity for their child to attend Monroe Charter Academy. During the Open Application Period, all applications get equal consideration regardless of date submitted. Applications will be available on the school’s website and can be completed electronically. Paper copies are available to families at the school upon request. Upon receipt of an application, there will be a confirmation sent that we received your application. 

At the end of the Open Application Period, if the number of applications exceeds the number of open seats, a random selection lottery will be conducted to determine acceptance. The date, time, and location of the lottery will be announced in advance, will be communicated to all applicants, and will be displayed on the school’s website. If the number of applications does not exceed the number of open seats, all applicants are accepted for their respective grade. Once a student is accepted to the school, parents will need to confirm their child’s spot and complete the necessary enrollment forms. 

ALL new students must fill out an application for enrollment. This includes future students who currently have siblings at the school, future students whose parent(s) are full time employees at Monroe Charter Academy, and future students whose parent(s) are founding board members.​

Applications MUST be completed before the closing date and time of the Open Application period to be considered in the lottery. The Academy will continue to accept applications after the closing of the Open Application period. Depending on the number of applications and the need of a lottery, an application accepted after the Open Application period may be placed on the waiting list.

Lotteries are open to the public, and parents are encouraged to attend.

Lotteries will be held for any grade in which the number of applications exceeds the number of openings. Numbers are randomly selected, and will continue until a number is drawn for each spot. Siblings will be grouped under one lottery number, and if that number is selected, all members of that sibling grouping will be offered admission. The lottery continues until all names are drawn.

Applicants whose numbers are not chosen for admission will be placed on a waiting list in the order in which their names are selected.

Those whose numbers are drawn will have an opportunity to pick up their acceptance packet(s) at the lottery event. However, families are not required to be present. Those not present will be contacted by the school, and an acceptance packet will be mailed to the address provided on the application.

Is there any cost to attend Monroe Charter Academy?
No, all North Carolina charter schools are tuition-free public schools.​

How do I enroll my child in Monroe Charter Academy?​
No, all North Carolina charter schools are tuition-free public schools.

How do I enroll my child in Monroe Charter Academy?​
You can apply filling out the application above. Once you apply, you will receive a confirmation email. After the Open Application Period, if applications exceed spots, there will be a lottery. You do not need to be present at the lottery to accept enrollment for your child(ren.) All those whose numbers are drawn in the lottery will be contacted by the school. Those numbers that are not chosen will go on a waiting list in the order in which the numbers are drawn. Parents will then need to accept their child’s spot at the Academy. After accepting their spot, the parent must complete an enrollment packet and return it to the school within two weeks. Parents who do not complete their enrollment packet within two weeks will have their child placed at the bottom of the wait list.​

What is the deadline to enroll?
All charter schools have an “open application” period during which applications are accepted for the lottery. After the open application period, these applications will go into the lottery and numbers will be drawn for enrollment. Any applications received after this date will go on a waiting list. Once accepted for enrollment, parents will have two weeks to return a completed enrollment packet. If a completed enrollment packet is not turned into the school within that two week period, the student will be placed at the bottom of the wait list.​

Can I apply after the open application period?
Yes. All students who apply after the application period will be put on a waiting lists, and we will offer enrollment to students on the waiting list in the order in which application were received. Offers will be made until all seats are filled.​

What are child’s chances of getting a seat at Monroe Charter Academy?
All students who apply during the open enrollment application period have the same chance of getting in. The chances of your lottery number being drawn depends on how many applications are received. Please note that during the open enrollment period, the school will not be able to answer questions about how many applications have been received, because that number will change daily. The exact number will be announced once the open enrollment period has ended.


After School programs


Years Established

Get In Touch

Location: 7513 Broomes Old Mill Road, Waxhaw, NC 28173

Telephone: (980) 210-3627

Email: monroecharteracademy@gmail.com

School Hours
Staff: 7:10am - 3pm
Students: 7:15am - 2:30pm

Non-Discrimination Policy

Monroe Charter Academy administers all educational programs, employment activities and admissions without discrimination against any person on the basis of gender, race color, religion, national origin, age, or disability.

If at anytime an individual has a grievance, we instruct them to follow our grievance policy, here to ensure due process.